Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Minted Lemon Ice

Danielle T.  
Makes 8 servings 

Can get creative with anything really…grapefruit or blood orange juice, probably could blend watermelon, or play around with different herbs like basil or cilantro, lavender with lemon is always good too vs the mint!

2 cups (loose) mint leaves 
1 1/4 cups water
1 cup sugar
3/4 cups lemon juice (personal preference for fresh squeezed)

3/4 cups heavy whipping cream
1-2 Tablespoons sugar
Combine first three ingredients in pot on stove over medium, stirring until sugar dissolves then let simmer on low for 5 - 8 minutes. Strain out mint leaves and pour into a shallow baking dish (9x13 works well). 

Let cool to room temp then stir in the lemon juice. Cover and freeze! Scrape with a fork to “shave” or ice” it.
The homemade whipped cream with it cuts the acidity of lemon juice…just whip it with the additional 1-2 Tablespoons sugar (can add in finely chopped mint leaves) in a stand mixer until holds peaks.
Scoop the lemon ice and whipped cream with thinly sliced strawberries.

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